Kayla + Jack Styled Elopement at Lake Padden | Bellingham, WA

written by Carson Hope


This past Friday I went about creating my first styled elopement in the PNW area with Jack & Kayla, and it was pretty amazing! I spent all morning running around town trying to find some good looking stems & making the floral arrangement and flower crown, upon getting everything together for the shoot. Styling shoots are seriously one of my favorite things to do! I love challenging myself creatively - even in areas I don’t normally pursue on a regular shoot, like making the florals or doing hair and makeup. I knew I wanted to create something moody & whimsical for my first shoot in the area, and these amazing models brought all of those vibes plus more. Aside from just a certain look, I think it’s really important to take advantage of a styled shoot and have a goal in mind or something specific to work on as a creative. For this project, I knew that I wanted to experiment a tad with movements and subtle blur in photos.

Around sunset we took off on trails around the Lake Padden area and shot mostly in the gorgeous woods, with a few pictures by the lake. I can’t express this enough - Jack & Kayla are the BEST to work with! Not only are they both experienced models, they’re a fun loving couple with warm hearts that can turn on some goofiness or pure adoration within a second. Jack told many a' jokes, Kayla laughed many a’ laughs, and they both danced up a storm at the end. I kid you not, this shoot went down as one of my favorites.

SessionCarson Hope